Chiropractic Adjustments

At the Chiropractic Health Clinic in Omaha, NE, we offer safe and effective chiropractic adjustments for all ages. Our chiropractors utilize various techniques and methods to alleviate back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, and sciatica. Before visiting us, learn more about the benefits of chiropractic adjustments below:


Spinal Adjustments for Back Pain

Whether you have acute or chronic pain, spinal adjustments can alleviate discomfort in the upper or lower back. Spinal adjustments consist of a series of manual and assisted movements that realign the vertebrae in your spine. This treatment can reduce pain by releasing tension from the nerves and muscles in your back. Not only that, but it can also prevent back injuries from reoccurring in the future.

Adjustments for Neck Pain

If you've recently suffered from a sports injury or auto accident injury, our chiropractors may recommend chiropractic adjustments to restore your range of motion and realign your cervical spine. Using various techniques, we can alleviate nerve compression and restore blood circulation in the cervical spine and the surrounding structures.

Shoulder Pain Relief

Shoulder pain can be caused by an injury, overuse, rotator cuff tears, bursitis, tendinitis, arthritis, and frozen shoulder. Our chiropractors can help ease the discomfort in your shoulder by restoring the normal function and mobility of the joint. Chiropractic adjustments may prevent shoulder pain from returning by correcting any biomechanical problems.

Sciatica Treatment

Sciatica causes pain that originates in the lower back and radiates down the back of the leg. If you have a pinched nerve, it in creases your chances of developing this condition. Spinal adjustments can help release pinched nerves and provide relief. You may need several treatment sessions to reduce the frequency and severity of your symptoms. However, many patients report improvements after the first visit.

Contact us for an Appointment Today

Whether you have back pain, neck pain, or shoulder pain, our chiropractors will help gently realign your spine. Since pain in these regions often occurs due to compressed discs or pinched nerves, you may notice relief after one or two sessions. To learn more about the services that we provide or to schedule your appointment, contact Chiropractic Health Clinic in Omaha, NE, at (402) 778-5470 today!

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